4 Ways That SASES Minimizes Risk for Oil-Contaminated Waste

We are frequently contacted by consultants and waste treatment professionals looking for solutions for treating oil-contaminated waste such as slops, muds, tank bottom sludge and refinery waste. They explain they’re looking at both chemical and thermal solutions, and are weighing up the pros and cons. The number one reason for seriously considering SASES as part of the solution is risk reduction.

Here are 4 reasons why SASES offers you the lowest risk option, and why you should take a serious look at SASES chemical based system before committing to any significant investment.

  1. CapEx: The SASES chemical based system often requires low capex because it is sometimes possible to use existing equipment or even simply gravity separation. If no equipment is available, the capex will be less than $1m per MIST System. Thermal units cost in the region of $5m - $7m per unit. 

  1. Throughput: The SASES chemical based system has a throughput of 6-20T/hour. Thermal units typically have a throughput of 2-6T/hour. This enhanced throughput will significantly increase the revenue generating potential from the operations.  

  1. Flexibility: The SASES chemical based solution is effective on a wide range of waste types, ranging from very “wet” to “drier” wastes. Thermal units are only effective on relatively dry waste.  If the waste has too much liquid, the thermal unit is ineffective. The increased flexibility will allow you to treat a wider range of wastes, reducing the risk of receiving waste you simply can’t treat.

Low Risk Test: If you have a centrifuge and oil contaminated waste, for only a few thousand dollars it’s possible to get very accurate cost/performance data on your specific waste stream, allowing you to develop a solid business case. With the SASES approach, it is possible to spend only a few thousand dollars to potentially save $5m-$7m! 

The reality is that in many cases it is a combination of using SASES chemical first. The key is understanding when to use what. For high volume, low capex, high flexibility, and risk minimization, the SASES chemical solution is tough to beat.  

Find out more about our chemicals for oil waste treatment by visiting our website today!